Spellcaster Magic

Are you willing to see what happens?

Let’s say you are curious to see what happens.
Saying and believing
are both essential for magic to take hold.

Earth Element Spells

Let’s say, “When I don’t know, I’m supposed to not know.” and
Let’s say, “There’s no problem with not knowing.” so
Let’s say, “I don’t know.”
These three spells cast a circle inside
which you are as safe
as you would be anywhere.
Let’s say, “This body-home is a lotus
rooted into soul-Essence mud.”

Air Element Spells

Let’s say “a problem” is a shapeshifter goddess
who looks like, opportunity
like running mascara that kindness offers a Kleenex to,
like a pile of leaves that wind re-scatters,
like crying that gets us hugging each other
so we walk home, arms looped
and leaning in.

Water Element Spells

Let’s say, it’s okay to let go and it’s okay to not let go.
Let’s say it’s okay to get stuck.
Let’s say getting stuck is part of getting unstuck.
Let’s say no matter what happens you’ll be okay
because everything keeps changing
and that doesn’t mean you’ll feel okay about it.
Let’s say, “if the ocean never stops moving
and has no problem making waves
that move simultaneously in opposite directions,
it’s okay for us, too.”

Fire Element Spells

Let’s say, we each can choose one story,
a story that is our own, unique to each and universal,
that is deeper and truer and more beautiful
than any other story we have believed about ourself.
Let’s say, you say that one true story to yourself
and no other story.
Let’s say that the Source of All
is the Source of you:
your one true story is the story of the Source of All.
Let’s say it’s all here for you,
the leaves, and tears, and flowers,
the Kleenex, the oceans, the loving arms.
Let’s say you are Beloved.
Let’s say you are willing to open your heart
and discover you are Brilliance,
the one True Story, who you really are.


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