Sensations Cultivating Sacred Connection

Like soil absorbing sunlight
I begin continually.

Soothing sounds of the night —
symphony of spring peepers, crickets, and katydids.
The patter of raindrops.

An ocean of clover.

A dappled waterfall of willow branch fronds.

A billowing ribbon of starlings in flight.

The sense impressions appear inside
much like the ones that appear outside.

Shamrock green slowly coating
inside my solar plexus
like viscous paint covering smooth stone
inside a cave.

A circular shush-shush, like a brush washing the inside of a tube.

Pressure in the back of my head flowing forward to my eyes and forehead
like the ebb and flow of cicada song, uncomfortable and wonderous.

Ripples like a mallet over bamboo blinds,
quick, rippling upward from palms, arms,
torso through crown and beyond,
sensation static and moving.

Like cars passing on a road in the distance,
each begins, continues, dissolves, another
begins, forms, melts away.

Connection remains.

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